This next season of my life is going to be the best season of my life. I’m calling it my version 2.0. It’s time to re-invent myself. I’m stagnant in my career, have racked up a considerable amount of consumer debt, and I need to get to a healthier place both physically and emotionally. Life feels kinda like this pic when I had a kiddie tantrum in Egypt after seeing one too many temples on our tour.

So, I’ve committed to blogging my journey everyday for the next 365 to see how I evolve. Most of the posts will be short and sweet. I’ll probably be doing a longer monthly update to check my progress and reflect. While this is mostly for accountability to self, I do hope to inspire others along the way.
Where’d I get this idea?
On Friday, April 6th I was having dinner at Cracker Barrel and I decided I need to start a daily blog. It’s time to shake some things up in my atmosphere. My plan was to start that night before I went to bed
But what had happened was, during dinner, I ate 3 biscuits 🙄. Then I got an apple dumpling to-go. By the time I got home and had a few bites of the dumpling, the carb coma set in. It was like, “girl you not ’bout to do nothing but go to sleep.” So I took my gluttonous butt to bed. I had every intention of just taking a nap. But the weekend came and went, plus I had to work. (I’m full of excuses.) Needless to say, I didn’t get started until today.
What’s my why?
I’m at a transitional period in my life and 3 BIG things are driving me:
- I need to get to a healthier weight to preserve my health. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes about 3 years ago. It runs in the family so it wasn’t a surprise, but devastated none the less. I’ve been on an oral med (metformin) for almost 1 year. I won’t get into the TMI details of the well-known side effect of metformin (💩) But I need to get my butt in gear for my weight. My eating habits aren’t the best. AND, I have ever so slight neuropathy in my hands and feet. That ain’t the work of the lord, so yeah. It’s time to get serious.
- I have about $18,000 in credit card debt that needs to be snowballed. (shout out to Dave Ramsey). This is holding me back from working towards financial freedom. It gotsta be paid!
- I’m stagnate in my career. I’ve been working in healthcare for 22 years. It’s time to move along and do something different. What that different thing is, I don’t know yet. I hope to discover it on this daily blogging journey.
I expect this blog will be a compilation of mixed media . I’ll probably do a lot of writing. But, I’ll mix it up with video and other digital media, too. No matter what though, I want to capture these 5 things daily:
What am I thankful for?
I had the funds to pay a DC speed camera ticket, even though I just got notice. The fine would have doubled after tomorrow.
What did I enjoy today?
This won’t always be about food. But today, I had a yummy, home-cooked egg, ham & cheese english muffin sandwich for breakfast. I meal prepped this past weekend. Yay me!
How do I feel emotionally?
About 90%. I got an attitude about that ticket I had to pay 😤
How do I feel physically?
I’m Ok. A little tired, but no tingling in my hands or feet today. #aintitablessing
How did I work on my money goals?
I didn’t spend any money on take out. Brown bagged breakfast & lunch. Cooking dinner.