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My 2018: Year In Review

All things considered, 2018 has been good to me. Of course, everything doesn’t always go right, but overall it was a good year. I captured quite a few of the highlights this quick video. I hope you enjoy it.

What went well?

My crafting. I made some cool stuff this year.

  • Pretty striped blouse
  • Fabulous Black Poncho
  • A felt violet brooch
  • Metal stamped necklace
  • Homebrewed Vanilla Extract

Business for Maurita’s EssentialsI learned how to pipe soap

  • I upgraded my jar packaging
  • Several custom orders
  • Customers in new states
  • Discovered the beauty or sea salt bars
  • Had a successful home party
  • Brought on an independent sales consultant

I had fun traveling

  • Went back to Essence music festival with my long time friend, Robyn.
  • Took a solo weekend getaway to Colonial Williamburg in VA. I got to seem Jamestown and take an African-American history tour of Colonial Williamsburg. It was informative and relaxing. I actually enjoy solo travel.
  • I surprised my Big Sister. Lizzie for her 60th birthday in Mississippi.
  • I surprised my play Dad, John for his 75th birthday in Flint.

Physical Health

  • I’ve lost about 20lbs since this time last year. Thank ya BIG God!

Mental Health

After much anxiety and being consumed with the desire to have a family. I finally surrendered that over to God and got to a place a peace. When I say that has been a weight lifted…it’s hard for me to put it into words. And yall know I’m seldom lost for words.

What didn’t go so well?

I don’t have much to complain about this year. 2018 was a drastic improvement over 2017. I’m not sure I mentioned much about it, but I had a significant health scare after I had my mammogram in October 2017. I had s few followup studies, biopsies taken and needle aspiration done. I didn’t have to go through that in 2018. I should note, the tests were benign. Thank you BIG God, again.

I had taken a part-time job at the end of 2017, but I decided to quit in August 2018. The pay was decent, but the work was laborious. I was on my feet and it was constantly busy. I told myself I didn’t want to work that hard for anyone but myself. I left there to have more time to grow Maurita’s Essentials and that’s what I’ve been doing.

I tried seeing a therapist in the early spring because I was having a hard time coping with long-term singleness and childlessness. I hadn’t really done much dating or had a relationship in 3 years. I didn’t find therapy to be terribly helpful this time. I think I had gotten to a place where I was tired of being despondent about my circumstances. So I just let it all go. I had tried to let it go several times before. This time seems to have worked 😊.

In a similar vein, I decided to try online dating again. I actually met someone and quickly hopped into a relationship. That didn’t last long, but it was good to get back to dating and relating. That said, I’m ending this year on a high note. I have a new friend and he’s been consistent. AND, I really enjoy talking to him 👀 .

I’m looking forward to 2019. I’m decreeing and declaring expansion in my business and healthy love in my personal life. What are your plans adn intentions for 2019?

Love ya’ll,


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