On May 8, 2014 The EMP is partnering with Sabrena Barnes-McAllister, LGSW to Shine A Light On Depression on Google+ Hangouts. We are committed to continuing a much needed dialogue on mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Recently, Karyn Washington, a creative young blogger, died by suicide and it shook me to the core. While I didn’t know of this young lady, her story filled my Facebook timeline and I knew I had to do something. I was already in the planning stages with Sabrena to collaborate on the topic of depression, but Karyn’s untimely demise created a sense of urgency.
We need your help!
We want to tailor the content of the hangout to meet your needs. Please fill out our brief survey and let us know what’s bothering you and what you need to know more about. You don’t have to suffer in silence! The survey can be filled out anonymously. Let your family & friends know we’re shining a light in depression and they are welcome to join us. It’s time to for us to be more mindful of our own mental health and to be our brothers and sisters keeper.
Fill out our brief survey >>HERE<<
and don’t forget to join us May 8, 2014!